Events Happening

Countdown to Events


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The Intersection of Technology and Stalking Webinar Series ~ Understanding Technology Evidence in Intimate Partner Violence Cases (part II of II), Stalking Resource Center, in collaboration with the National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence

August 12 (2:00 am ChST)
August 11 (webinar, 12:00 pm ET)

Trauma Informed Care and Historical Trauma Informed Care for All Staff Who are in a Supervisory Role (part 2 of 3), Indian Health Service

August 2 (2:30 AM – 3:30 AM ChST)
August 1 (webinar, 12:30-1:30 pm ET; part 3 and repeats are 8/22, 9/12, 10/3 and 10/24)
Trauma Informed Care and Historical Trauma Informed Care for All Staff Who are in a Supervisory Role (part 2 of 3), Indian Health Service.
