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Thriving While Healing: Skills-based Support for LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Violence

This webinar will discuss highlights and lessons learned from the NW Network's unique, strengths-based sexual assault support group, Thriving While Healing: Finding Joy, Resilience and Support in the Aftermath of Sexual Assault. This all-gender support group, specifically oriented to LGBTQ survivors offers skills, education, and tools to name and confront the silence, isolation, and shame which so many survivors experience, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Assessing Patterns of Coercive Control in Abusive Relationships, Part 2: Practical Skills and Implementation

Part two in a three-part series on “Assessing Patterns of Coercive Control in Abusive Relationships”, this session expands from analysis and framing to skill-building, practical implications and program implementation. The Northwest Network’s Assessment Tool will be introduced in detail, using advocacy stories and participant exercises.

Exploring Restorative Justice to Address Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

In this webinar, sujatha baliga will explore the possibilities of safe, effective, restorative justice alternatives to systems intervention for intimate partner and sexual violence.  At its best, restorative justice is a community-based approach to accountability, safety, and healing.  Rather than a punishment-oriented approach, restorative justice offers a solutions/healing set of questions in the wake of crime and harm:  “Who was harmed?  What are their needs?  Whose obligation is it to meet

Promising Community Practices: The High At-Risk Team, Bristol County, Massachusetts

The High At-Risk Team (HART) program of Bristol County, MA is an innovative community effort to focus resources on the most dangerous and repeat domestic violence offenders in order to keep victims safe. Assistant District Attorney Courtney Cahill will describe how she launched the program in Bristol County and how the high-risk offender list was established.
