Webinar: Introducing the DOJ Elder Justice Website

 Guam Time: Friday, Jan. 27, 2017 

5:00 AM



Webinar: Introducing the DOJ Elder Justice Website


Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017  

Time: 2:00pm (EST)/ 1:00pm (CST)/ 12:00pm (MST)/ 11:00am (PST)

Duration: 60 minutes


Please join our webinar Thursday, January 26th, 2:00–3:00pm EST as we introduce the DOJ Elder Justice Initiative’s new website, ElderJustice.gov.


Hosts Susan Lynch, Senior Trial Attorney for DOJ Elder Justice Initiative, and Dr. Sid Stahl, Research Consultant, DOJ Elder Justice Initiative, will detail the tools and resources on ElderJustice.gov that support busy elder abuse professionals, including:

• Information about elder abuse and where victims and their families can find help in English and Spanish

• Training videos, webinars plus a dedicated elder abuse research database

• The Elder Abuse Resource Roadmap to assist in reporting financial exploitation

• A Press Room with announcements of DOJ elder justice cases in the news

• And much more...


The webinar recording will be made available on the OVC TTAC website: www.ovcttac.gov


Registration and Event Information:  http://bit.ly/2jCk3Xn




The NCEA Team


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