Off-the-Shelf Conversations: Responding to Stalking: A Guide for Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Programs


Topic: Off-the-Shelf Conversations: Responding to Stalking: A Guide for Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Programs

Hosted By: Inspire Action for Social Change

Date/Time: Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 4:00am ChST

Description: Stalking poses a particular challenge for supervised visitation programs. Supervised visitation and safe exchange program staff must be able to recognize and respond to stalking effectively. This guide includes an overview of the dynamics of stalking, the intersection of stalking and intimate partner abuse, how to assess for stalking, and considerations for policy and procedures for supervised visitation programs. Link to guide: http://www. In this Off-the-Shelf Conversation, we will be joined by the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC)

Location: virtual


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