Topic: Supporting Immigrant Survivors of DVSAS on Campus
Hosted By: Clery Center for Security on Campus
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 4:00am - 5:30am ChST
Description: The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides students and employees who are survivors of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (DVSAS) rights and access to support, including immigration survivors. During this webinar participants will (1) learn about immigration and visa information, and identify who may be eligible for VAWA self-petitioning and other forms of immigration relief (2) understand the requirements for serving immigration relief under VAWA, and (3) reflect on the role Coordinated Community Response Teams and campus staff have in assisting immigrant students who experience DVSAS.
Location: virtual
For more information and registration links contact: Jaykumar Puthran (484) 584-4216