Topic: Ensuring an Accessible Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Hosted By: National Center on Ending Abuse of People with Disabilities
Date/Time: September 28, 2022 at 4:00am - 5:30am ChST
Description: Domestic Violence Awareness Month was established in October of 1987. Since then, across the country, domestic violence advocates have organized awareness-raising events in support of domestic violence survivors, to highlight the rates of domestic violence in their communities and to unite individuals and organizations working on these issues.
It is commonly reported that 25% of women in the general population experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Women with disabilities have a 40% greater chance of intimate partner violence than women without disabilities and in the Deaf community the rate is closer to 50%. With these increased rates the inclusion of people with disabilities in your domestic violence awareness month activities makes sense. During this webinar, staff from Activating Change will provide guidance on creating accessible social media, accessible websites, and accessible in-person events.
Location: virtual