How to respond to harassment for people experiencing anti-Asian/American harassment training

Topic: How to respond to harassment for people experiencing anti-Asian/American harassment training
Hosted By: Hollaback!
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 7:00 AM ChST
Description: During this one-hour, interactive training, participants will learn Hollaback!'s methodology for responding to harassment: 1) Trust your instincts, 2) Reclaim Your Space, and 3) Practice Resilience. Participants will learn how their identities shape their experiences of harassment and the impact that harassment has on the participant and the community as a whole. This webinar will discuss what to look for when assessing individual safety, and how to determine if responding in the moment is the right action or not. This webinar will also discuss how to build resilience on an individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and societal front. This webinar will provide tools on how to respond to harassment, whether your response is in the moment while the harassment is happening or long-term.  

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