Campus Climate Surveys

Topic: Campus Climate Surveys

Hosted By: Red Wind Consulting, Inc.
Date: 12/07/2021

Time: 3:00 AM
Description: Understanding how sexual assault shows up on your campus is a critical piece in determining how you respond to sexual assault. Campus Climate Surveys provide colleges and universities the opportunity to understand the prevalence of sexual assault on campus and the experiences of students. There is not a lot of data surrounding sexual assault and tribal colleges and universities but based on recent reports such as the 2016 NIJ findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey by André B. Rosay, we might be inclined to say that TCU students experience sexual violence at alarming rates. Research is justifiably a sensitive topic in Indigenous communities and should be approached with care and consideration. This webinar will go in depth of what campus climates surveys are, how they help and best practices to follow. This webinar will also address the importance of Indigenous sovereignty and knowledge as well as how campus climate surveys can be improved in order to be culturally appropriate.
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