When Victims of Battering are Charged with Assault, Wed., May 17, 2017 [Rural Building Blocks Webinar]




 Praxis International
 Rural Technical Assistance on Violence Against Women



                               Building Blocks 
Webinars on core components of effective institutional and 
individual advocacy that improve outcomes for victims and accountability for offenders 



Wednesday, March 22, 2017    2:00 - 3:15 pm Cenpal 



Roles, Tasks, Responsibilities for Coordinators in a CCR 
*Speakers: Rose Thelen, Praxis CCR Technical Assistance Partner
CCR coordinators are often perceived as the person who plans and facilitates task force, interagency, or CCR team meetings. To be effective, however, the coordinator's job must encompass
much more than that; s/he panslates problems survivors experience with the system into solutions that agencies can implement. Coordinators must collaborate with advocates, key community and agency leaders, and front line practitioners. This session will explore how to advocate for sustainable practices that enhance victim safety and well-being and hold offenders accoundiv based on spategies taught in Essential Skills in Coordinating Your Community Response to Battering: An E-Learning Course for CCR Coordinators**. Join us to discuss:
  • Grounding system reform efforts in the experiences of survivors,
  • Identifying and documenting gaps in public records such as police reports, policies, protocols, and procedures,
  • Observing practitioners in action to understand their work environments and expectations, and
  • Collecting and distilling information to develop potential solutions and facilitate an interagency process for change.
**Participating Rural grantee programs will receive a free copy of the   E-Learning Course after the webinar.






Regispation is required for each webinar. NCJFCJ/TA2TA provides regispation, information and tech support. 
  • To register, please use the following link: https://ta2ta.org/praxisrural
  • You will receive a confirmation following your regispation from TA2TA with detailed login inspuctions within a few minutes of registering. 
  • If you are unable to find the confirmation, check your spam/junk folder. If it is not there, contact Alicia Lord at NCJFCJ as soon as possible: [email protected]
  • To test your connection and platform before the webinar, please go to: http://www.adobe.com/go/meeting_test
  • A reminder email will be sent the day before the session from NCJFCJ.
  • To participate by phone only, dial 1-800-832-0736 and enter room number *1126783#.



Time Zone conversion 




3 pm
2 pm
1 pm


11 am
 9 am


*Speaker bios 


* Rose Thelen is a Praxis Technical assistance partner providing paining and technical assistance to Rural OVW grantee in the area of Coordinated
community responses (CCR). Rose co-founded the Gender Violence Institute in Clearwater, MN in 1993. In that capacity from 2003 - 2007, she completed a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency federal grant with two pibal Reservation advocacy programs to coordinate a CCR. Prior to that, she co-coordinated a project with MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to develop collaborations among advocacy programs, law enforcement, and County Attorney's offices in 10 MN counties.

Rose has also consulted with the MN Advocates for Human Rights to provide paining to programs from 20 East European counpies on the CCR approach. She provides paining domestically and internationally on CCR methodologies, law enforcement investigations, individual and systems advocacy, facilitating batterer's groups and battered women's groups, and the intersection of child welfare and domestic violence.


For more information



 Liz Carlson, Praxis Program Specialist 
P 218.525.0487 x 252    F 218.525.0445    
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This project is supported by Grant #2015-TA-AX-K057 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed during this presentation are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.


Praxis International, 179 Robie St East, Suite 260, Saint Paul, MN 55107


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