A Glimpse into the Culture, Myths and Realites of American Human Trafficking

Guam Time:
June 1, 2017
1:00 am - 2:30 am


Dear Webinar Attendees,

This is just a reminder about upcoming webinar opportunity for May 2017. Look it over and take a moment to sign up today if you are interested!

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Wende Hilsenrod at [email protected].

In service,




Title: A Glimpse into the Culture, Myths and Realites of American Human Trafficking


Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 


Time: 10:00-11:30 AM  Central Time


Presenter: Wende Hilsenrod


Webinar Description: 

It is important to understand the types of control and type of trafficking a victim was involved in. Embedded in these dynamics are the myths, realities, culture, and triggers that affected the victim and can keep them chained to the pimp. Having this knowledge can give Advocates, Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice system a broader and more complete picture. 


Registration link: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/2500105105990217986



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