Provided by: VERA Center on Victimization and Safety
Date: July 16, 2019
Time: 4:00 am – 5:30 am ChST
Many studies have shown that having law enforcement serve as the "front door" of victim services has a chilling effect on LGBTQ victims, who often refuse to have voluntary contact with police. This webinar will highlight some of the most effective and replicable law enforcement practices being implemented across the country to improve law enforcement/LGBTQ community relations. [Law enforcement and allied professionals are the target audience for this virtual training.]
Many studies have shown that having law enforcement serve as the "front door" of victim services has a chilling effect on LGBTQ victims, who often refuse to have voluntary contact with police. This webinar will highlight some of the most effective and replicable law enforcement practices being implemented across the country to improve law enforcement/LGBTQ community relations. [Law enforcement and allied professionals are the target audience for this virtual training.]