Last Chance! Register for Free Webinar on Rebuilding Financially After Domestic Violence

Rebuilding Financially After Domestic Violence: A Survivor's Journey and Perspective

A free webinar presented by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the National Endowment for Financial Education

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

11:00am-1:00pm EST - Register Now

3:00pm-5:00pm EST - Register Now


Abuse is found among women and men regardless of social class, age, ethnicity and location. Economic control in an abusive relationship takes many forms and gaining financial self-sufficiency can be the difference between staying in or leaving a violent relationship.

This webinar series covers building a modest financial foundation and making plans for the future, which are crucial skills you can impart to individuals so they are empowered to make informed, responsible financial decisions to re-establish their lives.

Our focus for this webinar is highlighting a survivor's journey and perspective on how to truly rebuild financially after leaving an abusive situation.

Rebuilding Financially After Domestic Violence: A Survivor's Journey and Perspective occurs twice on February 28th. Please register for the time that works best for you.

11:00am-1:00pm EST - Register Now

3:00pm-5:00pm EST - Register Now

For questions, please contact Suzanne

at  [email protected] or (303) 839-1852 x109.


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