FY 2022 Training and Technical Assistance Initiative New Grantee Orientation


Topic: FY 2022 Training and Technical Assistance Initiative New Grantee Orientation

Hosted By: Office of Violence Against Women

Date/Time: Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 3:00am - 4:30am ChST

Description: The U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women will be hosting the FY 2022 Training and Technical Assistance Initiative (TA Initiative) orientation as a series of webinars. Per the special conditions, the orientation is required for new TA provider organizations (key project staff and staff responsible for the management of the award) as well as any new staff of current TA projects. Invitations are being sent by the Office on Violence Against Women. The program specific orientation series dates are: November 10, 2022: Training and TA Initiative Overview and TA2TA, November 14, 2022: Grants Financial Management Division, November 16, 2022: Virtual Training and Technical Assistance , and November 30, 2022: Accessibility and Language Access for TA Providers. (Dates are PDT).

Location: Virtual

Office on Violence Against Women ovw.techassistance@usdoj.gov


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