Direct Ethical Communication: An Essential Supporting Structure to Serve Survivors and Build Organizational Resilience
Home >> Direct Ethical Communication: An Essential Supporting Structure to Serve Survivors and Build Organizational Resilience
Date: July 12, 2017
Time: 6:30 am - 8:00 am ChST
Direct and Ethical Communication: An Essential Supporting Structure to Serve Survivors and Build Organizational Resilience
July 11, 2017
Workshop Description:
This webinar will take an advanced look at a foundational skill in our work: communication. So much of advocates' work with systems, survivors, and colleagues centers on effective communication. Advocates and managers are called to challenge the oppression woven into systems and do so while still maintaining a relationship to those systems. Sexual assault program staff are also responsible for challenging each other to grow in our understanding of oppression. Many of us come to the field with communication skills that do not meet the enormous needs of our work. To be successful working with survivors and systems, working within healthy organizations, and to push for meaningful change we need the skills to communicate directly and ethically. These skills also serve to support health and increase resilience at the organizational level. Participants will leave this webinar with practical skills to implement these communication techniques in their daily work and lives.
July 24-26, 2017
Gig Harbor, WA
Workshop Description:
This 23 hour training will satisfy the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy Core Training requirements for therapists treating victims of sexual assault/abuse. Prior to this training, participants must complete a 6 hour online training course.
3 Day In-person Training
Save the Date!
Registration coming July 7th
August 28-30, 2017
Port Angeles, WA
Workshop Description:
This training satisfies the 30 hours of initial sexual assault training required by the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy. Part 1 is a 7 hour online tutorial that you must complete prior to attending Part 2 of this training. You will get access to this online tutorial when WCSAP confirms your registration for the training. Part 2 is a 23 hour in-person training that takes place in Port Angeles from 08/28 to 08/30. The training content reflects a philosophical approach to services which emphasizes an empowerment model to working with sexual assault survivors.
For any questions or more information you can contact Annette Saenz at [email protected], (360) 754-7583