The Costs and Consequences of Tech Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence

Topic: The Costs and Consequences of Tech Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence
Hosted By: National Network to End Domestic Violence; Justice Information Resource Network; Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
Date/Time: Friday, August 23, 2024 4:00 AM ChST
Description:  Recently released findings on tech-facilitated abuse reveal the costs and consequences of cyberstalking, image-based sexual abuse, and doxing within intimate partner violence (IPV). The research was led by the Justice Information Resource Network and Dr. Mark Cohen in partnership with the National Network to End Domestic Violence and the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative. The findings show disparate rates of prevalence across gender identity, sexual orientation, race, and income. They also detail the kinds of costs and other harms experienced as a consequence of TFA, including lost earnings, property loss, technology costs, health costs, and harms to wellbeing at work, in school, and in social connection. Join us for this webinar where the researchers will share key findings, and advocates will discuss implications for services and strategies to support survivors.
Location: Virtual




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