Creating and Sustaining TCU Campus Led Coordinated Community Response Teams


Topic: Creating and Sustaining TCU Campus Led Coordinated Community Response Teams

Hosted By: Red Wind Consulting, Inc.

Date: 12/1/2021
Time: 6:00 AM
Description: A campus response to sexual assault can include many campus staff working in different departments. Campus Security, Title IX investigators, Counselors, Cultural Centers and faculty could be responding to students who have experienced sexual assault. It is critical that there is a clear and consistent response to ensure that students receive the support and services they need. In the first webinar in this series the presenters will define what a campus-led coordinated response team (CCR) is, who the key players are in a campus CCR, and how to develop plans, visions, protocols. The second part of this series will be more of a hands-on approach of steps to developing a coordinated community response team and how to sustain one through time.

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